Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Digital Project Life | 2012 Completed Books

This past weekend I spent a lot of time finishing up my 2012 Project Life album. I started Project Life at the end of March last year so I still had the beginning of the year to put together. I really hadn't taken that many photos except for our February trip to Australia. There are over 3,000 pictures to choose from - how could I condense and display this trip in my album?! I ended up deciding to just choose one picture a day and journal about the day as well. I am planning on making one BIG album with most of the pictures later on but I am glad that I have the trip documented in my PL album as well. So once I got the Australia trip pages together the rest of Jan/Feb was a piece of cake!

I ended up splitting 2012 into two volumes since I was over the page limit for Shutterfly. Feel free to look through the books below:


Shutterfly photo books offer a variety of layouts and cover options to choose from.

Turn your favorite photos into a photo book at Shutterfly.com.

You probably noticed that I didn't have a proper "end page" for volume one or a "title page" for volume two. I decided I didn't want to spend anymore time than I already had on finishing this album so I just went with some text on blank white pages. Now all I have to do is wait for some good Shutterfly deals to come along so I can order the books ;)

For some tips on how to put together a book with Shutterfly go here.

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1 comment:

  1. Well, that was fun! =) I just sat and watched a year of your lovely life. Haley, your pages are gorgeous, and so are you! Thanks for sharing your albums!!
