Day Zero goals accomplished since the last post:
(Read about my Day Zero project here)
#10 - "Try at least 2 foods that I never had before" (01/11/12 - Sushi and 02/12 Kangaroo)
#12 - "Make specially decorated cookies (Christmas 2011)
#23 - "Organize school papers and binders" (12/10/2011 - pitched and organized!)
#31 - "Highlight or dye hair" (January 2012)
#43 - "Pass RDMS Abdomen boards" (12/04/2012)
#49 - "Travel to Australia" (02/13/2012 - 03/04/2012)
#69 - "Pay off Sallie Mae Loan" (04/2012)
#74 - "Lose 5 lbs" (02/2012)
#75 - "Stick to 1200 calorie plan for one month" (01/2012)
#92 - "Make a list of why I respect Jason" (Valentines Day 2012 - 52ReasonsILOVEYOU)
#97 - "Get comfortable using my old digital SLR away from auto mode" - (02/2012)
#47 - "Update Resume" (04/2012)
Projects in Progress:
#64 "Scrapbook from 2005 till now" - As of right now I am in June of 2005 and keeping up with the current. Now that I have started I think I should have made each month of each year a goal :) Which brings me to say that if the only other goal I accomplish of over the next few years is this one I will be ok with that. I am really enjoying getting my pictures together on digital pages. Here is an example of what I have been doing. This is April 2005.
(Layout templates from Becky Higgins through
Here is a current 2012 layout:
Interesting tid-bit for today:
While taking pictures of the cookies I was making yesterday I was in my kitchen using its man-made light. Then I decided to move to a window to get some natural light. Wow, the difference is incredible and now I wish I had a window in my kitchen. It seems that even in Photography what God makes is always better than what we can make!
Kitchen Light Ick, so yellow and blurry! |
Natural Light Much Better. |
Natural Light + Tripod Best!! |
Jason went part time at work last week. It has been nice for him and me! He does SO much around here now that he has more time, I am so very spoiled. He will be part-time until he starts full-time school in the fall when he will quit. Work for me has been hectic, to say the least.
Life is full, life is good. I thank the Lord for bringing me through each new day.
Great ppost thanks